Prepare for Winter: Reduce Your Heating Bill

Prepare for Winter: Reduce Your Heating Bill

Installing a mini split heat pump can save your family up to 30% off your energy bill this winter! The reason why is pretty simple, instead of generating constant heat, mini splits actually transfer the heat. Mini splits are not just efficient for heating, but also installing one will benefit you down the road in the summer too! 

With traditional ducted heating systems there is normally an extreme loss of energy, mini splits avoid this energy loss. In homes with forced air heating and cooling systems, ducts are used to distribute the air throughout the house. When this happens, 20-30% of energy or air is lost when it moves through those ducts due to leaks, holes, or poorly attached ducts.

Below are some tips to make sure your mini split is able to save you as much money this winter as possible!

Comfort Vs. Temperature

The temperature sensor on the mini split is closer to the ceiling, where the air is naturally warmer. You will find when you set the temperature a little higher than you’re used to, it will deliver the comfort you will enjoy.

Don’t Touch The Dial - “Set it & Forget it”

Setting the mini split at a desired temperature and keeping the fan on “auto” will allow your mini split to efficiently save as much energy as it can. Constantly changing the temperature or settings will result in more forced energy, forcing your bill to go higher. 

Routine Maintenance

A mini split can perform at its best when it is properly maintained and inspected. A mini split not in its proper working order can use up to 25% of its energy. Air filters need to be changed, along with keeping outdoor elements like leaves, snow etc away from the outdoor part of the unit. Unsure if your mini split system is working properly or sufficiently maintained? Call Pro HVAC today, we will perform a routine maintenance check up!