Don’t Ignore Your End of the Season AC Repairs

Don’t Ignore Your End of the Season AC Repairs

The official end of summer is rapidly approaching us, and it’s almost time to start scheduling your routine maintenance on your heating systems. Over the past few months you have likely been using your home’s air conditioning system fairly frequently. The last thing you want is experiencing an extremely hot day next summer, and before checking your AC needs some repairs before it can start cooling down your environment again. The good news is that most AC systems begin to show signs of over use and when an end of season repair is needed! Below are signs to pay attention to as the summer begins to end. 

Odd Noises

Is your cooling system making any weird, out of the ordinary noises? This could include humming, buzzing, hissing noises etc. If you notice any of these strange sounds make sure you call an HVAC professional and leave it to the Pro’s.


This is when a cooling unit begins to turn on and off on its own multiple times throughout the day. This is a cause for concern as it will be burning more energy and it is a sign of something seriously wrong with the unit. 

Low Air Flow

If the air moving through the vents is not as powerful, or as fast, as it used to be this is also a cause for concern. This typically can mean that air is trapped somewhere, which can be damaging if coils begin to freeze because of this. Or this could also mean there is ductwork damage, which needs to be taken care of immediately. If air is trapped somewhere, your energy costs will keep going up as the system is working harder to keep your environment cool. 

Reduced Cooling Power

Air flow seems normal but the air isn’t coming out cold anymore? Does the air seem lukewarm, or more like room temperature than cool? This can be due to refrigeration leaks, components overheating within the system, ductwork damage and more. 

It is never a good idea to self diagnose any of these HVAC issues as it can be dangerous for homeowners who are not trained properly. We strongly encourage you to always call trusted HVAC technicians, like Pro HVAC, to make sure the job is done right the first time. We look forward to hearing from you, call today for any questions you may have!